Man Shopping with Stacie

Man Shopping with Stacie

Ep24 ~ I'm Good Over Here

October 15, 2021

In this episode I share how I am at a peaceful, content, happy place in life with no romance...I'm good over here. In this episode, I focus on three main topics.My experience after going through my first divorce helped me to brace and prepare myself for what I experienced during my second separation and divorce. This is not my first rodeo.  I wasn't surprised that my second divorce wasn't easy, cheap, or quick.   I've spent a lot of time working on self-development and my relationships with loved one. I've gone to therapy off and on for over a decade.  I've read books, researched online, and listened to podcasts.  I think on this stuff a lot. I reflect. I pray. I talk about my interpersonal relationships with friends and family.  I try to learn.  You have a choice. You can isolate yourself, pity yourself, punish yourself, feel guilty, numb yourself, distract yourself... OR you can make healthier choices. DO THE WORK!Use your time doing things and being around people who make you happier and healthier!I had an epiphany! I think I am happier by myself because in my marriages I kept secrets, experienced stress, chaos, manipulation, and lying.  I now have peace and stability on my own. Also, because I've never experienced a mutually loving, supportive, emotionally  healthy relationship I simply don't know what I am missing.  I think recovering from divorce can be harder for those who had relatively happy marriages where they shared a deep love and a balanced because they miss those things. Recovering from divorce is a process and everyone's journey is different.  This is just a little piece of mine.Support the show (