Magnify More

Magnify More

48: Live Q+A Call for the Actual Magnify More Movement Membership

October 15, 2020

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On this week’s episode, Mickaela answers actual questions from one of her previous communities, the Magnify More Movement. As ofJan 1 2021, this space is no longer open -- but these questions still hold power! Perhaps the Movement will be back soon ;)


I answer questions every week, live, for the beautiful souls within the Movement and you get to experience it! On this week’s Q+A I answer questions such as:

1. What questions can you ask in these live Q+As?

2. Can your spiritual beliefs be a mix of all spiritual elements (Gods, Goddesses, Angels, etc.)?

3. Where do you start when you begin your spiritual awakening?

4. What do you do when you start to get downloads or intuitive hits?

5. What are some things I've done for self discovery?


Start your Free Trial of the Magnify More Movement today! You will get 8 days to soak up all of the magic and be surrounded by the most amazing women going through the same experience as you.


Click here to join! ->


Where you can find more of Mickaela:

Instagram: @mickaelamcnatt

Free Facebook Community:

Follow the Community on IG: @magnifymoreandco


Share some love to the show by leaving a rating, review, and of course subscribing so you stay up to date on future episodes. And don’t forget! Take a screenshot of you listening, share it on Instagram, and tag me @mickaelamcnatt with your favorite takeaway from today’s show! I'll be back soon, but until next time, I hope you Magnify More, because girl, you deserve it.

