LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 237 - Weatherstock is Coming

June 11, 2014

Cari and Layanor talk about SHIELD, socks, and Weatherstock.

Audio Version:

What We Did in Game


  • Still at 33% in the moors
  • Solo skirmishes


  • I bought a bicycle and read a book.


Live Dev Chat


  • Join us on our official Twitch channel, http://www.twitch.tv/lotrostream
  • Thursday June 12, 2:30PM Eastern time (-4 GMT)
  • Join us for a live stream featuring members of our development team. We’ll be holding an open and Q&A, so bring your questions and we’ll bring the answers!

Operation SHIELD Is Official:


  • Strategic Hobbit Initiative to Evacuate Lost Dwarves Dates are listed
  • Twenty Nine Dwarves – Twenty Nine Servers – A whole lot of trouble.
  • I’ll be leveling up a new Dwarf Guardian named Tosmii on each and every server. He’ll be level 50 and ready to enter Moria. The event will start at the milestone just inside the Hollin Gate.
  • Every run will be available live on our official Twitch.tv channel, http://www.twitch.tv/lotrostream so if you can’t make a run, you can watch and join in the chat with other players. Be sure to follow us on Twitch so you’ll be notified each time a stream starts.
  • Full details and requirements will be posted soon. For now, here is the schedule.

Eldar chose the Winter Festival

50% off Selected Items in the LOTRO Store

Update 13.1.1 Patch Notes and Known Issues


  • Please note: The only changes in Update 13.1.1 were to the launcher. No game changes were made in this update

Did You Know



Monday’s at 9PST 12 EST.

Will be on youtube and twitch replay.

Starting up Next Week


How to Handle Weatherstock VI


  • No Cloaks
  • Take off your hat, big shoulder pads etc
  • Simple classic outfits are the best.
  • Turn your graphics down, down down
  • No pets
  • No big explosive LM lightening bolts
  • No Forced Emotes – Turn them off on your menu if you don’t want to do them
  • Your computer die? watch us on twitch.tv/mmoreporter

Contact Information

Email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com

Twitter: @lotroreporter

Facebook: LOTRO Reporter

Voicemail: 616-666-6778 or the widget on the right side of the screen when you visit the site.

YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/user/mmoreporternetwork



Cari  Twitter: @thecarimac

Layanor  Twitter: @Layanor
