LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 233 - Who Needs Show Notes? We have Mail

May 15, 2014

Cari and Layanor have mail. We have three letters this week, talk about Hobbits to Isengard and Hobnoingans.

Audio Version:

What We Did in Game


  • 27.81 moors

  • fangorn kindred

  • 2 leafs away from second legendary weapons scroll

  • chicken hockey


  • Did some Lowbie Leveling

  • Did some questing in the Westfold

Hobnonigans Were Live May 9-11


Taking the Hobbits To Isengard


Are there any plans for bulk relic combination

Not for U14 as far as he knows, no real plans. It’s something that comes up and has been discussed by the devs before, but there’s no definite plans for it at this point.

Any plans for store purchase mounts to be account-wide

There are a lot of discussions about it. It’s not something that’s easy to do in terms of value proposition because when something is account-wide then the value goes up and then they need to think about how much the price should go up, how much will people pay, etc. They do talk about account-wide options but he doesn’t know whether they’ll ever convert them all to account-wide.

Siege weapons for the Moors were under consideration, are they still


Anything new you can share about the Spring Festival

Yes, they’ve got some new stuff coming. He won’t say much beyond that, because there were some discussions and he’s not sure what got added and didn’t get added.

Any plans for chicken play to return to the Moors

He’s tried on a number of occasions to convince someone to go back over that quest – it was an April Fool’s Day quest – and see if they can’t do something with it. It’s really low priority, but he will keep pushing. He plotted and schemed for what seems like forever to get Hobnanigans back in the game, so he never says die when it comes to things involving chickens. Especially when it involves chickens getting kicked or pummeled or stabbed.

Question about culled content, space combat panel

They discovered awhile back that players were using the LUA scripting to pull information from the game that they were putting in there for future updates, so they decided to have fun with that and put crazy things in there that weren’t ever going to happen or might have happened under radically different names, conditions and circumstances. So the space combat panel was a red herring. And one that worked, apparently.

Can you tell us what the horseshoe does

It does absolutely nothing that we think it does, and everything he’s said it does in the past. The first thing it ever did was it changed one sentence in one quest in the epic storyline immediately after we get the horseshoe if we have it equipped. That was its original purpose. Since then devs have continued to add to it, but he doesn’t know of anything lately. He will say that if you’re participating in the snowball fights, we should definitely wear our horseshoes. It does impact that slightly.

Suggestion to turn on all festivals at once for the winning server

He says the thought of that is really scary. He runs that by the ecommerce manager just to see the look on his face. No, he thinks that if he suggested that, the engineers and server teams would freak out. But the marketing guy was writing something in his book, and he’s afraid to ask what.

Did You Know

Rep Items from the new crafting instances are used for the Helmingas

Clipped Ears

Damaged Furs

Shattered Hatchets

Torn Skins


Monday’s at 9PST 12 EST.

Will be on youtube and twitch replay.



Weatherstock June 14

Band Registration is Starting Soon

Letter from AmAvocet:

Hello, folks!

I wanted to tell you about the time I was put in jail (or “gaol,” as Tolkien would spell it).

This was back when horses were items you carried in your pack. I had accidentally sold my new Bree-steed. A GM ported me into the Bree jail cell and set a horse item on the floor. The jail cell was, of course, to keep anyone else from grabbing my new horsie. After I picked it up, I was given a stern warning to BE MORE CAREFUL and ported out of the cell.

I wish there were an “Ex-convict” title for that.

Letter from Dan:


Hi Cari and Layanor,

First, again great job with the podcast!  Been listening for years now, and still get much information from each one!

Second, Sorry for the long email…

Third,  I know you are both into the cosmetic system in the game, Cari more than Layanor perhaps, but thought you both would have a bit of interest in what I personally believe to be the coolest Cloak in the game.  In one of your last episodes you were talking about the tower of Orthanc instances, and if there was any real reason other for fun to run these anymore.  This cloak may be one reason, I will let you decide…

This is a short video of my Cappy wearing a cloak that I had to do quite a bit to earn.

First you have to Kill Draigoch. He will drop a scale that when or if you collect 3 of them, (he will drop 1-5 scales per run, but if you’re in a full raid, you may not get one). But when you do get 3, you can then have a Tailor craft you a Dragon Cloak.  These are fairly common in the game now, and back at lvl 75 the stats for them were pretty much top in the game, there are 4 outputs for each of the “classes” Tank, Melee DPS, Ranged DPS, and casters, and they looked really cool.

After you have a Dragon cloak, you have to do the full tower of Orthanc instance line. Thats a 4 part Raid, you do 3 different parts each with there own Boss fight, then that unlocks the tower section where you fight Saruman with his Ring of many colors…

As you know, even at lvl 95 this is not a easy raid, back when we were 75′s it was even crazier, but a ton of fun.  If after you finish and are lucky enough that Sorry-man drops as part of the Loot to roll on, A Clasp, and then actually win the roll for it, you will then, with this Clasp use it either to upgrade your Necklace that you got from the camp outside of Orthanc, can’t remember the name of it atm…-OR- you can use the Clasp to upgrade your Dragon Cloak to in my case since I am a Captain, to the one I have on in video.  I don’t know how any of the other 3 dragon cloaks look after doing this since I was the only one in my kin that upgraded my cloak and not the necklace.

So yes, it takes a lot of work to get this cloak, but I still wear it cosmetically and to this day I have never seen anyone else on Landroval with one on, so I am guessing it is still somewhat rare.  (Unless it’s in Laylia market, and missed it there, which I hope not and doubt)

So that’s about it. again sorry for the long email, but wanted to share.

Louni (lou-ny) 95 Mini

Linlen 95 Cappy

Findeladan 95 RK

Trandoc 95 Burg

Dorolin 95 Champ

All on Landy

Letter from Kevin:

Off the topic of HD, do you guys have an ideal full fellowship setup? I tend to notice that when we run kin-6mans, we’ve had the best luck with a Guardian, Minstrel, Hunter, Lore Master, Burglar, Warden. With this setup, we’ve almost accidentally achieved T2 Challenges on somewhat harder instances, like Fornost Shadow and Lost Temple. A Main Tank guardian, an off tank warden that can pull aggro off the mini, a hunter that stands in the corner and doesn’t get too nuts with DPS, a lore master that does whatever it is that loremasters do, and a burg that does something too. I can’t be too sure what it is burgs are doing in instances, but I’m sure they are staying busy…. And voila! Fornost Shadow T2C done without breaking a sweat.

And And what’s the deal with Golden Tokens of the Riddermark? I got 21 of them dumped into my wallet last update, and I can’t find any info on them. I asked other players, I scoured the internet, I poured over ancient tomes, I traveled the world in seek of this forbidden knowledge, and I’ve come up dry. I even rewatched the old 80′s movie Willow, starring Val Kilmer, and that didn’t help. I guess that has nothing to do with Riddermark tokens, but it was fun watching that again. Any ideas?

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Contact Information

Email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com

Twitter: @lotroreporter

Facebook: LOTRO Reporter

Voicemail: 616-666-6778 or the widget on the right side of the screen when you visit the site.

YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/user/mmoreporternetwork



Cari  Twitter: @thecarimac

Layanor  Twitter: @Layanor


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