Lost On Radio New Music Podcast

Lost On Radio New Music Podcast

Episode Forty Two. The Right Chord Music 'Lost On Radio' Podcast'

July 31, 2013

Welcome to the 42nd episode of the Right Chord Music, Lost On Radio Podcast. Presented by Andy Mort and curated by Mark Knight and Andy Mort, Lost On Radio is a weekly showcase of incredible undiscovered music overlooked by radio, or pushed to the late night fringes.

This week’s featured artists:

1. Nick Saunders - Resonance

2. Santiago Down Beat - Y Ahora Tu Me Miras

3. Right Chord Music 'First Signs Of Love' Laura Shaw - Blue Moon

4. Astrid Engberg - Leaving Town

5. Right Chord Music 'Band Of The Week' The Magnetic North - Betty Corrigall

6. Stefanie Haapala - Pretending Huge apologies, due to an un-foreseen technical error this track has not been recorded on the podcast. Listen here instead.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=787396228 size=medium bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 t=1]

The podcast will be available to download each week from this website. Alternatively you can subscribe for free and automatically receive new episodes via iTunes

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