Local Energy Rules

Local Energy Rules

Voices of 100%: Cleveland Commits to Clean and Equitable Energy

July 31, 2019

Show page available: http://www.ilsr.org/cleveland-ohio-voices-of-100-podcast |

For this episode of our Voices of 100% series of the Local Energy Rules Podcast, host John Farrell spoke with Jocelyn Travis, Campaign Manager for the Sierra Club’s Ready for 100 campaign in Cleveland. The two met in Milwaukee at the RE-AMP annual meeting to discuss Cleveland’s landmark commitment to 100% and how the city can make it to this goal in an equitable way. |

Listen to all of our Local Energy Rules podcast episodes at our site: https://ilsr.org/local-energy-rules-podcast-homepage |

Find updates on the Voices of 100% series and related resources, also on our site: https://ilsr.org/voices-of-100-local-energy-rules-podcast |

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