Living the Present Moment

Living the Present Moment

Story: Legacy of Love

May 25, 2018

Today’s story is called, “Legacy of Love.” It is the final story in a set of stories, and it gives the whole set its title. When I was gathering stories into a theme, I realized that all my stories were in some way about love, the many forms of love, and perhaps all stories at their heart are about love.
Dr. Joel Ying

“Legacy of Love”
© 2017 Joel Ying. All Rights Reserved.

I share the story because it inspires me. and I hope that it inspires you (or at least leaves you thinking). The story begins with a quote from a hymn. This is not the traditional melody, but how I hear the words of the song, “Balm of Gilead.” The story gives the perspective of one man and the experience of one family. I do not present it as TRUTH, but as the "truth of their experience." We can learn so much about our own perspectives and widen our own lives by understanding (we don't have to agree) with the experience of others. The gift of "walking in someone else's shoes" is that I can go back to my own with a richer understanding of life and love.

I had the honor to perform “Legacy of Love” at the FRINGE of the Florida Storytelling Festival in April 2018 as part of a 45-minute performance. I have given the set of stories as a 90-minute version that includes folk tales, but the set is essentially a trio of personal and historical stories that you can find on my website.

* The Teacher
* The Story of Kumbaya
* Legacy of Love

This final story is also a winning speech at the Division level in Toastmasters International. I was honored to share the stage with 7 other inspiring speakers in the District 48 International Speech Contest in Tampa, Florida, on Saturday, May 19, 2018.

Like all performance art, oral storytelling is best experienced live. The difference between a recorded story and a live telling is similar to listening to a musical recording versus hearing a singer perform live. The experience is magnified by the energy of an audience and the community and connection that stories can weave. I love performing the "Legacy of Love" trio of stories for a live audience, so give me a call if you have an audience near you.