Living a Redeemed Life Podcast
Latest Episodes
LRL 2.88 - Ann Swindell
What do you do when you are waiting for healing and have been for a long time? My guest today is Ann Swindell and she knows this pain all too well. Ann is a precious woman who is in love with writing and with Jesus! Not to mention her family. Ann...
LRL 2.87 - Ellen Miller
Ellen Miller is a business owner, wife, mom, and grandma. And on top of all that, she's a published author too! Ellen's new book, Lord, Have Mercy: Help and Hope for Moms on Their Last Nerve, speaks to all the years of motherhood, whether in the...
LRL 2.86 - Cheri Gregory
Cheri Gregory is a recovering perfectionist who also writes, podcasts, coaches, and encourages others. Cheri is a wife and mother to two adult children and she works as a high school English teacher. Her other pursuits include the podcast, Grit 'n...
LRL 2.85 - Lynn Eib
What do you imagine your response would be if you got the worst medical diagnosis you could ever imagine? That's exactly the position that Lynn Eib found herself in at the age of 36, with three young daughters and a husband who was pastoring a church....
LRL 2.84 - Rachel & Willie Scott
What is a family to do when the family members are not all related by blood? There are steps and fosters and adopteds and many other configurations of blended families these days. Rachel and Willie Scott's ministry, Better Than Blended, is here...
LRL 2.83 - Catherine McNiel
Catherine McNiel is a mother to three young children who says she never has time, let alone quiet, to be able to have a quiet time each day. And that's a sentiment shared by many moms. Catherine's new book is all about finding joy in practicing...
LRL 2.82 - Sara Dormon
We often strive to be liked by the people in our lives, but author Sara Dormon says that if you're a Christian and everybody likes you, then something is wrong. That's actually the title of Sara's newest book and in today's episode, we talk about why...
LRL 2.81 - Karrilee Aggett
Like many of my guests, Karrilee Aggett is a wife, mom, and writer. But more than that Karrilee is a firm believer in the love of God that covers each and every one of us, defines who we are, and shapes all of our relationships. Karrilee is also a...
LRL 2.80 - Michelle DeRusha
Today's guest is Michelle DeRusha, author of three books, wife, mom, and a faith wrestler. Michelle describes her journey as every day faith, but it's a faith that developed later in her life. In this episode, Michelle shares about her faith journey,...
LRL 2.79 - Tammy Mashburn
What do you do when life throws you a curve ball that will be part of your life forever? Tammy Mashburn has had to answer that question and in today's episode she shares some words of hope, a life raft, for anyone who is struggling with illness or...