

Joby Weeks; Anarchist, Activist, Entrepreneur

October 21, 2015

LiveFreeFM Episode 012
Have you ever told yourself that the life of an activist is that of poverty, rejection, and turmoil? Can you strive for justice and still make a good living, while doing it? This week, I interview Joby Weeks, who has successfully built multiple businesses, all with a consistent theme of activism, at their core.
Joby has started alternative currencies as a way to break people free from the chains of the Federal Reserve. He has started nutritional supplement companies in an attempt to help people break free of Big Pharma. And his latest ventures include solar energy and bitcoin mining. All of his entrepreneurial outings have had one thing in common, to help people get free. Along the way,
Joby has been attacked by the powers that be, on more than one occasion. He, and his partners, have had millions of dollars stolen from them by the federal government, had their assets seized, and yet, still come back for more. Joby proves that activism can be rewarding, both spiritually and financially.
The road of activist is not an easy on. The same can be said for that of an entrepreneur. Joby is both, an activist and and entrepreneur. And, not only is he traveling both roads, his blazing his own trail.

To get more information about Joby's new project, go to BitCoinMine.Download.