KPHRED Presents
Wine-tour Wonderland with Tareq Salahi on Tamara Leigh's TREND ON
So much wine and so little time, but for this holiday season (and after) here's a quick, fun & info packed chat with returning Tamara Leigh's TREND ON guest, Vitaculturist Tareq Salahi of Oasis Winery & White House Crasher/Real Housewives of DC fame.
LIVE from Virginia's wine country and growing agri-tourist region, Tareq shares tips on selecting wines and wine tour packages (& craft breweries, too) that make especially wonderful gifts.
Join Tamara Leigh's TREND ON with Heidi Feemster LIVE every Wed. at 10:00amCT on the Linked Local Network.
Follow us on twitter: @tamaraleighllc @heidifeemster @linkedlocalnet and and;