KPHRED Presents

KPHRED Presents

On Purpose: Your Path to Fulfilling LifeWork

November 20, 2014

Marketing for Hippies

Are you growing a business doing something you love (or considering this)  - but hate marketing? 

What if marketing could be guilt-free, respectful, beautiful, inspiring, honoring, fun, warm, gracious, quirky and honest (and be even more effective because of that)...

Today’s On Purpose interview is with Tad Hargrave; a hippy who developed a knack for marketing (and then learned how to be a hippy again). For almost a decade, Tad has been bringing refreshing and unorthodox ideas to conscious entrepreneurs and green businesses that help them grow their organizations and businesses (without selling their souls).

Susyn Reeve is the best-selling author of The Inspired Life:  Unleashing Yuor Mind's Capacity for Joy.  She has 35 years experience as a Corporate Consultant, Self-Esteem Expert and InterFaith Minister.  She has been a delegate to the UN Commission on the Status of Women. (

Rikk Hansen is one of the nation's leading experts in guiding midlife professionals and entrepreneurs to discover a life work that's truly their CALLING.  As founder of Brilliant NEXT, he has pioneered a system called New Fire Discovery that guides midlife women and men to find certainty of purpose and and exciting direction for their next fulfilling work - in a short period of time despite any obstacles or fears.  (