The Lifestyle Engineering Podcast with Dr. B.

Latest Episodes
Calculate your True Hourly Wage and Prepare to Get your Mind Blown
Your True Hourly Wage is not what you are paid but how much you get to keep and use. In this episode, I breakdown how to get to this important number. Be careful, though. This knowledge may lead to s
Systems Beat Wishes (Robust Implementation Planning) – A3 Thinking Applied to Life
Systems eat willpower for breakfast. In A3 problem solving, a robust implementation planning process ensures the required tasks are defined, but also the SPA (single point of accountability), a timeli
A Guide to Get from Current State to Ideal Future State – A3 Thinking Applied to Life
Once youve defined the vision of your ideal future state, its time to figure out how to get from your current state to that future state. Learn how to seize that opportunity by identifying the key
Define your Ideal Future State for Vision and Clarity – A3 Thinking Applied to Life
Defining your ideal future state creates clarity and simplifies decision making. There is a powerful exchange between Alice (in Wonderland ) and the Cheshire Cat: Would you tell me, please, which way
A3 Thinking in your Career or Life – Determine your Current State
A3 Thinking is a fantastic tool in the Lean toolbox. It is also elegantly simple and extremely useful in making change in your career/life. The first step in the A3 process is to determine your Curren
Take a Gemba Walk – GO and SEE don’t Sit and Wish
Gemba this is a phrase I learned from the Lean world. Go to where the real process happens. If you want to know how things work, you need to get up and go to the actual place where the work is don
Routines Set You Free
Routines are a powerful tool in keeping you focused and moving you forward. Learn how to use routines to set you free. Committing to a new routine might be the key to jumpstart your efforts.
Building Resilience, Pandemic Edition
Weve never been through this before. Build resilience to get through the first times.