Life as a Lifeschooler

Life as a Lifeschooler

Best of Life as a Lifeschooler: The Joy of Relationship Homeschooling with Karen Campbell

June 27, 2019

We hope you are enjoying your summer break!  Here's one of our best episodes to brighten your summer day:  On this episode, I talk to one of my new favorite pioneer homeschoolers, Karen Campbell, about relationship homeschooling! Interestingly, I went to college with Karen's daughter, Mollie, but didn’t know her very well and had no idea she had even been homeschooled. After connecting with Mollie on Instagram recently, I saw a few of her mother's posts and was delighted to discover that she had homeschooled back in the early days, and that we were kindred spirits in our philosophies.
This interview did not disappoint! I enjoyed listening to it again myself, and I know it is going to bless you to hear Karen's wisdom as she shares some of her experiences from the "pioneer days." Here are some of the questions and topics we discussed:

Tell us more about your homeschooling journey back in the early days of the movement.
Many homeschoolers bring the school model home because we all tend to just do what we know. I know you put a lot of emphasis on what you refer to as "relationship homeschooling." Is there anything in particular that helped shape your perspective and educational philosophy?
The definition of lifeschooling is “the individualized process of discovering your child’s God-given gifts and talents primarily through real life experiences that happen within the context of your family’s unique situations and missions.” Is there a part of that definition that particularly speaks to you and can you share with us a bit more about how your family “lifeschooled”?
What are some of the gifts that you saw early on in your children and how were you able to tailor their education around the development of those gifts?
You focus a lot on the relationship aspect of homeschooling. What were some practical ways that you focused on relationships and what were the results?
How did you fit homeschooling with your blogging ministry and how did your ministry impact your homeschooling?
You talk in your book about grace-filled parenting and I love some of the stories you share. Tell us a bit about how that applies specifically to the high school years?
We just did an episode on co-ops. I think many of the current co-ops end up putting the same strain on relationships that school does. What are your thoughts?
What do you see as one of the biggest problems in the homeschooling movement today?

Be sure to check out Karen's excellent book, "The Joy of Relationship Homeschooling: When the One Anothers Come Home." And also take some time to visit her site,, where you will find many insightful blog posts and podcast episodes.