LifeHouse Church

LifeHouse Church

Latest Episodes

Uncertainty | Ps James Macpherson
October 28, 2018

“To be certain of God is to uncertain in all our ways. You never know what a day may bring. This is generally said with a sigh of sadness; it should rather be an expression of breathless expectation!” Oswald Chambers For more details about LifeHouse Churc

Bond Servant | Ps David Lambert
October 23, 2018

What does it look like to serve? To serve our church, our King and each other? For more details about LifeHouse Church visit or download the LifeHouse Church app.

Strong Spirit, Weak Flesh | Ps David Lambert
October 15, 2018

We often have good intentions, but fail to carry them out. Our Spirit is strong, but our flesh can be weak. But through a relationship with Jesus, we can rise up and overcome.

Find Your Roar | Ps Helen Kobakian
October 13, 2018

Pastor Helen Kobakian shares on what it is to find your roar in the midst of trial. For more details about LifeHouse Church visit or download the LifeHouse Church app.

The Power of Belonging | Ps Richard Kobakian
October 09, 2018

We are wired for connection, we all want to belong. Jesus disregards our shame so we could become a new creation and find belonging. For more details about LifeHouse Church visit or download the LifeHouse Church app.

Just Believe | Ps Richard Kobakian
October 08, 2018

Faith isn't just a religious experience, we need it everyday. In this world, we need to throw away our doubts and start believing for the miracles. For more details about LifeHouse Church visit or download the LifeHouse Church app.

The Bible | Ps Helen Kobakian
October 02, 2018

The Bible is an essential tool for all Christians. The Holy Spirit brings to life the written word, so He can teach us and guide us. For more details about LifeHouse Church visit or download the LifeHouse Church app.

Spirit of Perseverance | Ps Richard Kobakian
October 01, 2018

Perseverance is the key to not being swerved from your purpose by the greatest trials and sufferings. Having a spirit of perseverance leads to victory! For more details about LifeHouse Church visit or download the LifeHouse Church app.

#306 - Driven By Eternity
September 22, 2018

You are definitely going to live forever, but do you know for sure where you are going to spend your eternity? For more details about LifeHouse Church visit or download the LifeHouse Church app.

#305 - No More Condemnation
September 15, 2018

Condemnation is something we cannot avoid in this life, but Jesus doesn’t condemn you, he wants to forgive you and wants to have a relationship with you. For more details about LifeHouse Church visit or download the LifeHouse Church app.