Life before birth

Life before birth

Latest Episodes

Episode Six: Birth
March 12, 2021

In the final episode of Life Before Birth Rhian decides on whether she is going to try for a VBAC birth or planned cesarean section. We hear from a midwife about what happens when you are admitted to hospital in labour,

Episode Five: A Watermelon-sized Baby
March 11, 2021

In this episode, Rhian reaches the third trimester of pregnancy. She attends physiotherapy sessions for pelvic girdle pain, and becomes increasingly more uncomfortable. We also hear from a paediatric consultant who specialises in neonatology,

Episode Four: Baby MOT
March 10, 2021

At 20 weeks gestation, youre half-way through your pregnancy. A real milestone. Rhian gets excited about the 20 week anomaly scan where the baby can be seen in a lot more detail than at the 12 week u

Episode Three: The “Golden Period” of Pregnancy
March 09, 2021

In this episode, Rhian looks forward to the golden period of pregnancy where many of the unpleasant aspects of early pregnancy start to disappear. Rhian also finds out more about perinatal mental he

Episode Two: A Flicker of a Heartbeat
March 08, 2021

Symptoms of early pregnancy can include an increased need to urinate, tender breasts, fatigue, and morning sickness. Rhian contends with the hormonal and physiological changes that come with pregnancy, and attends her first midwife appointment and the ...

Episode One: Am I Pregnant?
March 08, 2021

What can you do to improve your odds of having a baby? In this episode, we meet Rhian and her husband, who decide its the right time to try for baby number three. Through interviews with a fertility

Coming soon…
June 18, 2020

Life before Birth will launch in Spring 2021, listen to the sneak peak and subscribe so you never miss an episode Life Before Birth is a story of the gradual loss of power women face as their persona