Life Without Limbs Radio with Nick Vujicic
Latest Episodes
Find a Church… Don’t do life alone – Nick Vujicic
I’d like to talk about the importance of church today. How has church changed your life? Today you can attend in person, on your phone, or in person. The world is getting busier and busier – it’s easy to get pulled into a bubble.
Call a Friend & Text Toe Typeoff
Today I’m discussing calling a friend. We need friends – how do we see how God uses people around us? We also announced our “text toe typeoff” – Take a video of yourself texting using your toe! Then share the video on Twitter or Instagram using the has...
Everyday Challenges – Nick Vujicic
Give us a call! +1-805-380-NICK – we may use your voicemail in a future podcast! Today we’re talking about ‘Everyday Challenges’ – so many times in life where we think things are stable, then curveballs are thrown at us.
Pt.2: Interview with Steve & Jackie Green
Recorded live in Washington, D.C., this is part 2 of Nick’s interview with Steve & Jackie Green about their new book, “This Dangerous Book” – from the Museum of the Bible. Call Nick with your comments or questions: +1-805-380-NICK (6425) – we may use...
Pt. 1: Interview with Steve & Jackie Green (Inaugural Podcast!)
Inaugural podcast! Welcome to Life Without Limbs Radio featuring Nick Vujicic. This weekly podcast from Los Angeles and around the world features Nick and friends. Give Nick a call (see below!) and we’ll possibly use your voicemail on a future podcast!