Master Spanish now! - Learning Spanish Fast

Master Spanish now! - Learning Spanish Fast

Advanced Spanish - Episode 013 - La Alegría

March 13, 2015
La Alegría, happiness, is the subject of today’s audio podcast. This is especially important as many Latin American countries are among the happiest in the world!rss feed | iTunes | Audio page with other listening options

The Laughing Fisherboy by Frans Hals. Available here

In a recent survey, Colombia was among the happiest countries in the world. Many other Latin American countries, such as Costa Rica and Peru, also feature among the happiest! So in today’s podcast we look at some of the reasons why Colombia is among the happiest countries – from the strange to the not so strange! And some of them reasons might not be what you think…


¿Las personas en tu país son felices? ¡Compártenos tu opinión!

rss feed | iTunes | Audio page with other listening options

The links discussed in the podcast are here and here.


Hasta pronto,

Paola y Cristian


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