Master Spanish now! - Learning Spanish Fast

Master Spanish now! - Learning Spanish Fast

Advanced Spanish - Episode 011 - San Andrés

February 26, 2015
Do you like sun, sea, and sand? Do you like hot weather? Do you like idyllic Caribbean islands? If so, listen to today’s audio podcast!rss feed | iTunes | Audio page with other listening options

The uninhabited island of Cayo Bolívar, some 25 kilometers from the island of San Andrés. Source: Flickr: land, sweet land, available here.

The Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina is formed of a group of Colombian islands far removed from the Colombian mainland. They are idyllic tropical islands, many of which are close to Nicaragua. In this episode we talk about what you can do in this vacation destination, as well as tales of pirates and how English is an official language there!


¿Hay islas pequeñas en tu país? ¿Y son diferentes a otras partes del país?

rss feed | iTunes | Audio page with other listening options

Hasta pronto,

Paola y Cristian


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