Master Spanish now! - Learning Spanish Fast

Master Spanish now! - Learning Spanish Fast

Advanced Spanish - Episode 008 - Cuentos Chinos

February 06, 2015
In our most varied episode yet, we start by looking at short-sightedness in China – and how this relates to various topics in Latin America!rss feed | iTunes | Audio page with other listening options

La Gran Muralla. Source: Gustavoaz. Available here.

Cristian shares a fascinating article he recently read about how short-sightedness in children has increased in China due in large part to the amount of time that children study. This leads on to a variety of topics – including how much people read in Colombia and why not many people seem to wear glasses there… Plus so much more!

¿Hay muchas personas con gafas en tu país? ¿Crees que es por razones genéticas o sociales? Compártenos tus respuestas.

rss feed | iTunes | Audio page with other listening options

Hasta pronto,

Paola y Cristian


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