LDPcast - The Distance Skateboarding Podcast

LDPcast - The Distance Skateboarding Podcast

06 Make America Skate Again!!!

September 25, 2020

We’re all about growing the tribe here at LDPCast and this episode is a blue print for how to build a grass roots skate squad. In our sixth interview we speak with Marta and JT, founders of Sk8pak Miami. This loose knit crew of skaters is more than 100 strong and they meet weekly for cruises all over south Florida. 

Also a check in from SkateIDSA correspondent and points guy Andrew Andras with information about how the divisions work.

Introducing skate 411 a monthly service to help connect long boarders to long boarders.

SK8Pak contacts:

SK8Pak Meetups:

Every Thursday Night 8pm at 5th and Ocean Drive, South Beach Miami, FL, USA

Miami 24 hour Ultraskate: 24hourultraskate.com

Push – The Film: YouTube

Do you want to talk without us? Send us an e-mail: ldpcast@theidsa.org

Fallow us on Instagram: Instagram.com/ldpcast

Website: www.ldpcast.com

This podcast was created by Miles Kipper and Eduardo Machado, all rights reserved.

Edited by Duh Machado

The post 06 Make America Skate Again!!! appeared first on SkateIDSA.