Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing & Income Property

Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing & Income Property

1308: Embracing Struggles, Coming Apart by Charles Murray

October 23, 2019

Today Jason Hartman examines Chapter 17 of Charles Murray's book, Coming Apart, and explores why it's so important that we face struggles and adversity in our life. Working for things and fighting battles is what makes things worth living, what keeps life interesting. Being handed things doesn't make life better, it makes it boring.

Key Takeaways:

[3:51] The challenges and struggles we experience aren't bad, they're good

[12:31] If you want to build a great real estate portfolio, climb the corporate ladder, anything, you need to fight some battles

[15:56] Some recommended authors for your education

[20:10] People have compared the US to the Roman Empire, and it's important to remember that Rome collapsed from within

[27:06] Not having to work for things makes life boring and can tear you apart

[32:49] The more we rely on the government the worse our life gets
