Dr Karl Goldkamp - Keto Naturopath
Latest Episodes
Why is Dairy a BIG problem For So Many People Starting Low Carb, Keto, Or Carnivore?
As an interruption to what I had intended to present for this podcast I decided that I needed to respond to some ‘mis-information’ regarding DAIRY.Hope this won’t offend you. My clinical experience over 16 years disagrees with what I would consider a very
Our Optimum ‘Gut’ Health Determines Total Health - The Secret Of How We Got Here Will Change How You Eat Forever
Often when we talk about what is the appropriate diet for ourselves we refer to our evolutionary past. The implication is that we should eat like our closest evolutionary ancestors... the Great Apes...but that is completely different from how we eat now.
Mental Health And Metabolism: Autism, Depression And Your Small Intestine
So which is it? The length of our small intestines or the shortness of our colon that shows that our gastro-intestinal tract is most like carnivores. Or is how our stomach is laid out? Not only will you find this interesting to know, but, that deciding on
The Enemy Is Noise. The Goal Is Clarity. The Truth About Low Carb, PSMF And What It Takes To Lose Weight
There is so much noise and intentional misinformation around keto, low carb, carnivore that people quit before they even start. How my past has lead to creating the safest most efficient method for long term weight loss has meant learning to recognize in
How Our Cat’s Death Taught Us About The Benefits Low Carb in Humans More Than Anything Else We’ve Ever Done
Cats are obligate carnivores. Pure and simple.Understanding it and implementing it taught a lot. In learning about non-obese diabetes in cats we discover a lot about our own diet as well.In the end we discovered his death was induced by environmental fact
The 4 things that might go wrong during a Protein Sparing Modified Fast!
Just when we thought we had it all planned out perfectly, things go wrong that you didnt anticipate. We had many successes but it is amazing how for some it wasnt specific enough and for others, they just cruised on for the easy win. I go over the short
Your Grandfather Made you Fat...Sorry To Tell You!
This is a story about epigenetics and how environmental influences (physiological and psychological) can affect your metabolism and what to do about it.Grandsons' health at risk if grandpa ate well in his youth 12-2018https://sciencenordic.com/food-fors
The kind of protein you eat truly matters!
Protein is not all the same. If you dont know how protein affects you personally it can increase both you blood glucose level and you insulin levels and this could well be disastrous and very frustrating if your goal is to lower you glucose levels or if
Protein Sparing Modified Fast Testimony - What Went Right, What Went Wrong
Heres a conversation with someone who did a 4 day PSMF that didnt go exactly as planned...yet had benefits anyway. Listen in on the details of what happened. OUR COURSE PSMF 30 day course: https://www.thebiointegrationcode.com/co
The Surprising Lab Discoveries After Two Years Of Doing Labs and Coaching Keto
Not every overweight person becomes heavy in the same way. Doing labs on each person has let me see certain patterns, one that I absolutely wouldnt have expected, but now knowing this, I can coach people very differently...than I did initially. Judis NE