Kelly Patrick Show

Kelly Patrick Show

Latest Episodes

Kelly Patrick Show #52 with Jose Rodriguez
September 19, 2019

Kelly and Doc have Jose Rodriguez on to discuss his last fight, his MMA past, and his potential MMA future. We also discuss his affection for the banana hammock

Kelly Patrick Show #51 with Momir Petkovic
September 17, 2019

Kelly and Doc have Momir Pekovic back on the show to answer fan questions, discuss more of his wrestling training, and his opinions on MMA

Kelly Patrick Show #50 with Darryl Ray and Isaac Kawomoto
September 14, 2019

Kelly and Doc have Darryl Ray of Dobosutia and Isaac Kowamoto of Apex MMA in to talk about Darryl Ray's upcoming fight with Doc, his MMA record and history, and some of his jiu-jitsu lineage. You do NOT want to miss this episode!

Kelly Patrick Show #49 with Scott Smith
September 12, 2019

Kelly has Scott Smith of Gracie Jiu Jitsu of Kentucky on the show to discuss his BJJ origins and history

Kelly Patrick Show #48 with Rob Mooney
September 10, 2019

Kelly and Doc have Rob Mooney back on the show to preview HR MMA 111, to discuss past episodes and guests, to talk about getting Bellarmine Athletic Director on the show, and other MMA related topics

Kelly Patrick Show #47 with Blake O'Neil
September 05, 2019

Kelly and Doc have Blake O'Neil on to discuss his MMA career, MMA drug testing, and upcoming fights

Kelly Patrick Show #46 with Momir Petkovic and Brody O'Leary
September 02, 2019

Kelly has Olympic gold medalist Momir Petkovic in to discuss how he trains, his background and history, the Olymics, and some MMA. Brody O'Leary is also in to discuss wrestling and to play footsie with Doc under the table (to be clear, Doc said no!)

Kelly Patrick Show #45 with Chris Sizemore
August 27, 2019

Kelly and Doc have Chris Sizemore on to discuss Blue-Jitsu, his organization to help get the message out to teach police jiu jitsu. We also discuss Doc's upcoming fight with Darryl Ray, as well as other Kentucky MMA topics

Kelly Patrick Show #44 with Todd Neal
August 25, 2019

Kelly and Doc have Todd Neal back on the show to answer viewers questions and to discuss more of Kentucky MMA history

Kelly Patrick Show #43 with Lance Lawrence
August 20, 2019

Kelly and Doc have Lance Lawrence on to discuss his fight on Dana White's Contender Series, as well as his future plans, and reviewing some fights he saw at HR MMA 110