Kappo and The Rev

Kappo and The Rev

KaTR Klip: "Trolling for Truth by Orlou Jenkins"

January 30, 2017

“Trolling For Truth”
By, Orlou Jenkins KaTR® News Network

There can be no doubt that when searching the internet for anything a person must be careful how they conduct themselves. A simple search can bring forward the exact information a person is looking for, or it can return with a cavalcade of misinformation and madness. The web is constantly growing, shifting and evolving but core truths remain; anonymity, accessibility and the lack of authority. It’s a crucible capable of producing the biggest leaps in shared human consciousness. Striving from the darkness of human ignorance the web provides a bridge to knowledge untold. However, like all the great bridges we find in life underneath are the trolls.

Nothing can survive within God’s creation without playing to his simple formula. It has been defined in many ways; yin and yang, darkness and light, what goes up must come down, as above so below, masculine and feminine energies, brahma and shiva, republicans and democrats, illumination and ignorance, God and Satan.

So any great fount of information, especially one as freeing as the world wide web has to have it’s trolls, it’s demons, it’s liars, it’s phonies and schills, it’s paid gangstalkers, it’s complete debasement of human dignity.

Psalm 23 is a rather famous passage of scripture: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me”

As we pass through this corridor from life to death, and then perhaps life again we try and find the answers along the way. Some find many, some find few but nobody has ever found it all. The internet has been man’s best shot at knowing it all; short of climbing a flight of marble stairs on your knees while praying for some sort of ‘divine inspiration’ like a freaked out Catholic nun, or a wigged out fat guy sitting under a bodhi tree until he ‘attains enlightenment’. Man has always had this pursuit, but for every true seeker there are those who purposely blind; the priests in deep caves plotting control, or the prophet who lives off rape and carnage, the endless line of false ‘messiahs’ who’ve warped countless generations of minds.

The internet and all it has spawned has created an awakening in man, but it has also given way to some of the most toxic mind control imaginable. Controlled mass media was one thing, spoonfed social media is another, but free media will inherently carry a heavy dose of agony and pain along side it’s advances. For every teacher, a troll. For every tutorial, a bomb recipe. For every love letter sent, a deep web murder chat room.

C.S. Lewis once said, “Each new power won by man is a power over man as well. Each advance leaves him weaker as well as stronger.”

Here on Kappo and The Rev we don’t like to pin people with labels and make them pay some sort of toll for being who they are, playing their purpose in the grand scheme of things. Fact is, you could find several people that would say this show itself is little more than a trolling effort. People go through all kinds of stages, growth spurts, stagnations and there are feelings and emotions tied to all of it. The way a body chooses to act on those feelings is often time to tweak their fellow man.

We can’t get all caught up in what is right, when we talk this subject. For their can be no final truth for man and his machine, in this current age of discovery. Each person adds what they will to this singularity, and who is to say what will save mankind is his cunning response in the face of his own deception.