The Just OK Show - A Podcast Where Listeners are the Co-Hosts

The Just OK Show - A Podcast Where Listeners are the Co-Hosts

Just OK Gamers 187 – With Special Guest Host Zirene

November 22, 2016

Special Guest Host Zirene.

This week on Just OK Gamers, Zirene joins us, but he will have to share time with our other guest, Kabayashi. In League of Legends, we talk MSI, Perceived Caster Bias, Patch 6.23 and Camille. In General Gaming we discuss Titanfall 2, Final Fantasy games and Children of Morta. Then we play "The League Sound Effects Game" where the Just OK Gamers team up to try to take on Zirene. Thanks to russellwatters for being our Listener of the Week!

Check out more Zirene here:

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