

Latest Episodes

JudgeCast #206 – Commander 2018 Mechanics
August 03, 2018

On this episode, the team runs through the new mechanics and a few of the awesome cards in Commander 2018! Also… a bat-dragon? Full C18 Release Notes from WotC: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/commander-2018-edition-release-notes-...

JudgeCast #205 – Reviewing “Up” and M19 Policy Updates
July 20, 2018

Feedback is a two-way street. We talk about why you should write reviews about peers and leaders that you feel are more experienced than you, and how you should do it. We also review the recent tournament policy changes, and … Continue reading →

JudgeCast #204 – Magic 2019 Core Set
July 05, 2018

Prepare for your prerelease! There are no new mechanics, but there are plenty of fun interactions still to be had as we peruse the most interesting cards from the Magic 2019 Core Set release notes! Stuff we talked about: Lots … Continue reading →

JudgeCast #203 – The Sides Make the Meal
June 22, 2018

Join us as we talk to Level 3 judge and Grand Prix Side Events expert Eric Dustin Brown, also known as EDB, about side events. We ask him what is the best side, and why is it cornbread? He tells us … Continue reading →

JudgeCast #202 – Sylva Linings Investigationsbook (Rebroadcast)
June 15, 2018

JudgeCast is taking the week off to make sure we’re on track for the M19 release notes. But never fear! We’ve still brought you a great episode from the archive; it’s an interview with Jared Sylva about investigations! JudgeCast will … Continue reading →

JudgeCast #201 – Two-Headed Giant of Four Eyes.
June 01, 2018

On this episode we talk about everything 2HG, including the upcoming Battlebond supplemental set!  We also introduce Judge Tales: record and send us your favorite judge stories to be on the show! Last, but certainly not least,

JudgeCast #200 – Hanging Out With JudgeCast
May 17, 2018

We’re often asked about our conversations before and after the show. What do we talk about? How do we interact? Hang out with us as, on our 200th episode, we go in unscripted and unstructured. Our stories and silliness will … Continue reading →

JudgeCast #199 – Layers (Part 2) – aka “That’s no moon!”
May 03, 2018

In a continuation from episode 197, we talk about layers and how effects interact using them. We also talk a bit about dependencies, and reference too many moons (Blood Moon, Bad Moon, Imprisoned in the Moon, etc)

JudgeCast #198 – Dominaria Release Notes!
April 19, 2018

The rules are changing, but the sky isn’t falling. Along with new mechanics and weird cards, Dominaria brings with it rules changes that have caused the errata of many, many Magic cards. Additionally, we go card-by-card over some of the most … Continue...

JudgeCast #197 – Layers (Part 1)
April 07, 2018

Judges talk about continuous effects until end of episode. We reference copy effects, discussed in more detail here: http://judgecast.com/archives/1034 We also reference our Types episodes, which are here:  http://judgecast.