90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#782 Live the Life You Want Now
October 27, 2017

                    Stop thinking about what you will do the future and begin to live the life you want now.…

#781 Take Action to Manifest What You Want in Life
October 26, 2017

                    While it’s important to get clear about what you want, you must also take action to manifest what you want in life.…

#780 Get Clear About What You Want Your Life to Look Like
October 25, 2017

If you want to want live a great life,  take the time to get clear about what you want your life to look like.…

#779 Break Up the Monotony In Your Life
October 24, 2017

You never want to wake up and realize that a good chunk of your life is behind you and you have fallen into a rut by doing same things every day. Take the opportunity to break up the monotony in your life.…

#778 How to Prevent a Midlife Crisis
October 23, 2017

Today we discuss how to prevent a midlife crisis. Stop waiting and start doing the things you want to do.…

#777 Accept People for What They Are
October 20, 2017

                    Resist the need to apply preconceived ideas to people you don’t know. Resist the desire to judge and just accept people for what they are.…

#776 Traveling the World Makes Us More Tolerant
October 19, 2017

If you never leave your home town you may find it more challenging to accept people that are different from you. Traveling the world makes us more tolerant.  …

#775 Exposure Can Diminish Intolerance
October 18, 2017

Once you get to know people that are different from you, the animosity you may have had for the group to which they belong falls away. Exposure can diminish intolerance. …

#774 Education Is a Cure For Intolerance
October 17, 2017

                    When we look at all the racism in the world we must realize that it is a learned response. Education is a cure for intolerance and it begins at home.…

#773 Accepting People’s Differences
October 16, 2017

                  It’s time to become less judgemental and start accepting people’s differences.…