90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#1022 Elon Musk’s Advice on Growing Your Business
July 08, 2019

If you’re looking for Elon Musk’s advice on growing your business, start by identifying the needs of your customers, then ensure that every person and department is rowing in that direction. …

#1021 Keys to a Longer Happier Life
July 01, 2019

Who do you want to be as you get older? Make the decision to stay young mentally and physically. Today we dicusss the keys to living a longer happier life. …

#1020 Identify the People That Would Be There for You and Nurture Those Relationships
June 27, 2019

When difficult times happen in life, you realize how important certain people are to you. Take the time to identify the people that would be there for you and nurture those relationships. …

#810 How to Begin Bringing What You Want Into Your Life
December 06, 2017

Once you determine what you want your life to look like, it’s time to look at how to begin bringing what you want into your life. Today we discuss proven principles to help you move toward your goals.…

#808 Why I Got Into Personal Development
December 03, 2017

                    It’s been a long time since I discussed the story of why I got into personal development. Today’s show is the first on our weekly discussion of how to design your life.…

#807 Experience More Inner Peace in Your Life
December 01, 2017

                    As difficult as it may be for those of us that are working and raising families, it’s important to make an effort to experience more inner peace in your life.…

#806 Find Inner Peace in Daily Activities
November 30, 2017

                    It’s possible to find inner peace in daily activities. Today we discuss thoughts on how to do it.…

#805 Quiet Your Mind
November 29, 2017

If you want to experience moments of inner peace, look for ways to quiet your mind. Today’s show provides some ideas on how to get there.…

#804 Try to Achieve Inner Peace for a Few Minutes Each Day
November 28, 2017

                    While it would be great to live a blissful life 24/7, it’s not realistic for those of us with jobs and families. Why not try to achieve inner peace for a few minutes each day. Once you do, you can begin to expand that time.…

#803 Finding Moments of Inner Peace Each Day
November 27, 2017

Most of us live hectic lives. Think about finding moments of inner peace each day. As you do it your stress level will diminish and you will bring more balance into you life.…