90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#1032 If You Want to Create More Personal Time Become Get More Efficient at Getting Things Done
August 26, 2019

We are all busy. What if you could become slightly less busy and use your new found time to follow a passion or spend more time with a loved one? There’s not a person on the planet that can’t improve their ability to get things done.

#1031 Stop Doing Things You Don’t Want to Do
August 19, 2019

Imagine how great life would be if you could just do things you enjoy. Maybe it’s time to stop doing things your don’t want to do. Today we discuss how. …

#1030 Motivation Drives Success
August 12, 2019

You might think that the biggest driver of career success is intelligence. Countless studies suggest that motivation drives success. If you can find ways keep yourself and those around you motivated, you will achieve greater success both for yourself a...

#1029 Driving Your Life in the Direction You Want to Go
August 01, 2019

Most people lack clarity about what they truly want their lives to look like. It’s important to set your intentions on driving your life in the direction you want to go. Today we discuss how to set the intention and how you can stay on path toward crea...

#1028 If You Want to Reduce the Stress of Delivering a Message Rehearse It In Advance
July 29, 2019

Important conversations, critical meetings, addressing large groups: these are high impact activities when it comes to determining the trajectory of your career, and often, your life. There can be tremendous anxiety associated with these events.

#1027 How Can You Use Your Vacation to Truly Disconnect From Work
July 25, 2019

I know so many people that go on vacation but stay tethered to the office while they’re away. The question becomes, how can you use your vacation to truly disconnect from work? …

#1026 Will You Die Without Having Lived?
July 22, 2019

None of us are here in this life forever. Regardless of what we contribute to society, how much wealth we have, or knowledge we’ve accumulated, death is the great equalizer. It also has a way of putting everything else in perspective.

#1025 How to Create the Life You Want
July 18, 2019

Don’t just accept what life hands you, put yourself in the driver seat. Today we discuss how to create the life you want. …

#1024 The Best Defense Against Stress and Depression is a Positive Mindset
July 15, 2019

If the best defense against stress and depression is a positive mindset, how do you get there? How do you stay there? Today we discuss ideas on maintaining that positive mindset. …

#1023 Lessons on Leadership from Google
July 11, 2019

If you want advice on getting in shape, find the most fit person in the gym and seek their counsel. If you want advice on managing people, go to the most successful companies on the planet and find out how they do it.