Activate America

Activate America

Education Spreads Truth

September 01, 2021

Over the years The John Birch Society has been spreading the truth by writing and printing books on many subjects.  Two of these books are “In the Shadows of the Deep State” and “To the Victor Go the Myths & Monuments”. 

A common thread that runs through these books is the Council on Foreign Relations and how they are steadily working towards a one world government.  A one world government will slowly dissolve the Republic form of government and with it, America’s sovereignty.

To really understand what’s going on, you need to read these two books.  Our country needs well-informed, well-read leaders.  Arm yourself with knowledge and you can be that leader starting today.

Action Items:

Reading adds to your education, so start reading, get educated and then tell others.  Read Arthur R. Thompson’s books:

In the Shadows of the Deep State

To the Victor Go the Myths & Monuments 

Tell your U.S. Representatives and Senators to eliminate CFR members from Appointments

Read the reprint: CFR: Still the Power Behind the Throne

Learn More about the Council on Foreign Relations on

Get involved and Join The John Birch Society.