Learn Japanese | JapanesePod101.com (Audio)

Learn Japanese | JapanesePod101.com (Audio)

Latest Episodes

News #352 - Do You Have These Top 4 Japanese Learning Fears? We’ll Tell You How To Beat Them
October 27, 2019

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by Japan

Extensive Reading in Japanese for Intermediate Learners #15 - Dinosaurs
October 24, 2019

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- -----Japanese----- ----Kanji---- 恐竜 恐竜の化石 人間の時代のはるか昔、恐竜が世界を支配していました。 この素晴らしい動物には、巨大なものもいました

Extensive Reading in Japanese for Intermediate Learners #14 - Big Cats
October 21, 2019

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal Japanese---- 大型のネコ科の動物 ネコ科の動物 ネコを飼っていますか。 もしそうなら、ネコがつやつやした毛を持つ美しい動物であると知っていますよね。

Japanese Vocab Builder #175 - Art
October 20, 2019

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by Japan

Must-Know Japanese Slang Words & Phrases #20 - Verbs Frequently Used in Slang Expressions Describing Emotions
October 14, 2019

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by Japan

News #351 - Top 5 Ways to Learn New Japanese Words, Phrases & Speak More Japanese
October 13, 2019

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by Japan

Japanese Vocab Builder #174 - Social Media
October 06, 2019

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by Japan

Must-Know Japanese Slang Words & Phrases #19 - Verbs Frequently Used in Slang Expressions
September 30, 2019

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by Japan

Extensive Reading in Japanese for Intermediate Learners #13 - Tornadoes
September 24, 2019

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal Japanese---- 竜巻 旋風! 家が数秒で壊されます。 車が空中に投げ出されます。 電車がひっくり返されます。 木が根ごと地面からもぎ取られます。 これら

Japanese Vocab Builder #173 - College and University
September 22, 2019

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by Japan