It's Pronounced Jordan

It's Pronounced Jordan

Latest Episodes

August 10, 2019

Hey! The podcast has a new home... ITSPRONOUNCEDJ…

8/10/19: Former Auburn Band member who created iconic "AU" logo talks tweaks, reminisces
August 10, 2019

It's Pronounced Jordan is back with a vengeance. Jeremy interviews former Auburn marching band drummer Fritz Siler, who created Auburn's iconic "AU" logo on a whim one night in 1965. How does Fritz feel about the new logo tweaks that has the Auburn Family

9/27/18: Doug Barfield, Tide Killer
October 11, 2018

Better late than never. Doug Barfield is a good m…

8/2/18: Restoring T.C. Daniels to the list of Auburn coaches (what is wrong with us?)
August 02, 2018

8/2/18: Restoring T.C. Daniels to the list of Aub…

7/18/18 Pants Preview
July 19, 2018

7/18/18 Pants Preview by It's Pronounced Jordan

6/6/18: Real-time research on Shug's links to Kess Fabian, the Sausage King of Vestavia
June 07, 2018

6/6/18: Real-time research on Shug's links to Kes…

5/25: Drain the Sewamp, 1893
May 25, 2018

Technically were were robbed by the referee, but …

Of Scrums and Scrotums: Pre-Petrie Pigskin on the Plains
May 11, 2018

Of Scrums and Scrotums: Pre-Petrie Pigskin on the…

4/19/18: Shug says playoffs are for the pros
April 24, 2018

4/19/18: Shug says playoffs are for the pros by I…

4/5/18: Dishonest Dropkicks
April 05, 2018

4/5/18: Dishonest Dropkicks by It's Pronounced Jo…