Intimate Conversations
Latest Episodes
Human Design Empowering All Aspects of Your Soul with Emma Dunwoody - Part 1
I adore this woman. I adored her the moment I met her, we've been on each other's Podcast before, we've shared dinner in Byron Bay, Australia last July, and tonight's podcast took our sisterhood even
Candid Confessions: Meeting God & The Goddess ~ Allowing the Universe to Hold Me
I dont remember having this much fun doing a solo Podcast in a while. I think its because I love telling stories about my clients successful results, their beautiful brave hearts, their exquisite d
Client Maria's Story and Healing Tools That Work
I love how in Podcast interviews with clients that I discover things I never knew even though we have faced the darkest shadows and most transparent vulnerabilities together. I discovered first hand h
The Art of Co Devotional Love with Rachel Pringle Urb & Johann Urb Part 2
I seriously think I'm healed from ever questioning that my dream for relationships is unfounded. Johann and Rachel pour PRAISE & RESPECT into each others Souls. They are a beautiful, transparent and
The Art of Co Devotional Love with Rachel Pringle Urb & Johann Urb Part 1
I seriously think I'm healed from ever questioning that my dream for relationships is unfounded. Johann and Rachel pour PRAISE & RESPECT into each others Souls. They are a beautiful, transparent and
Candid Confessions: Making Love with Life & Embracing my Sacred Sexual Mojo
Who the fuck knew I would cry at the end? What an honor to speak of Making Love with Life, one of my Allana Pratt Method Processes and address your awesome questions gathered by my social media depart
Client Rosie's Story and Healing Tools That Work
I can't imagine what it takes to be a full-time family law litigator, own your own practice for 40 years, then get multiple coaching certifications and show up with such zest for life and joy for bein
Re-Airing of Debunking Loneliness to Design a Fulfilling Life with Blake Worrall Thompson
Wow what a phenomenal blast from the past with my soul brother Blake! It gives me such joy to watch where we both were a couple of years ago when we recorded this episode and I just had to share it wi
The Spirit of Fatherhood with Larry Hagner Part 2
Divinity is absolutely bonkers magical and amazing, of COURSE I welcomed Larry back to the podcast with the theme From Head to Heart as he shared with us the journey of writing his latest book, the Sp
The Spirit of Fatherhood with Larry Hagner Part 1
Divinity is absolutely bonkers magical and amazing, of COURSE I welcomed Larry back to the podcast with the theme From Head to Heart as he shared with us the journey of writing his latest book, the Sp