Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Latest Episodes

An Esoteric Exposition of the Word “Jew” – ITEL – 10.12.19
January 08, 2020

Fires continue to rage in California as the state of California suffers under the strains of “diversity” as evidenced by diversity run Pacific Gas and Electric, the largest utility in the United States, unilaterally shuts down power across the

Neocon Bolton Fights the Syrian Withdrawal – ITEL PT – 10.10.19
December 21, 2019

Empirical idiot John Bolton, the Israel-first operative who has been ensconced in Jewish intrigues in American foreign policy for well over a decade and a half, reinforced his standing as a complete and utter moron as he sought to fight back President Tru

Failures of American Intel Agencies – ITEL – 10.5.19
December 08, 2019

The American national narrative is one which includes an idea that America’s intelligence agencies are indispensable to the success and safety of the United States.  Sen. Schumer is out speaking about how we all need our intelligence services.  But

Fetch on Fridays #11 – Shouting Fire in a Crowded Theater
December 08, 2019

The Fetch joined Andrew Carrington Hitchcock for another episode of “Fetch on Fridays”.  This latest effort was titled “Shouting Fire in a Crowded Theater”, a phrase often used as a means to silence free speech by proclaiming some

America’s Idiotic Elite – ITEL PT – 10.3.19
December 08, 2019

Ultimately, the success of a nation will be in direct proportion to the quality of the nations intelligentsia and the political class which uses government to put forward policies that advance the interests of the nations.  Understanding this key point sh

Fetch on Fridays #10 – Friday the 13th
December 08, 2019

“Fetch on Fridays” with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock resumed after a couple month hiatus due to travel scheduling conflicts with “The Fetch”.  This one just happened to fall on a Friday the 13th so an esoteric discussion about Frida

The Fetch and Monika Shaefer on The Graham Hart Show with Brizer – 9.30.19
December 07, 2019

The Fetch joined Monika Shaefer on The Graham Hart Show with Brizer on September 30, 2019.  Monika began the show with an eloquent monologue on how speaking out about things one is fearful of is really a liberating experience.  Shedding fears is, indeed,

Jewish Influence – Destroying the West – ITEL – 9.28.19
December 01, 2019

Reminiscing about the early days of Revolution Radio with some stories about Mike “Nitehawk” Ringley on the week that saw the Mike “Nitehawk”, the owner of Revolution Radio, pass away.  The early days of Revolution Radio was at the

The Passing of Mike “Nitehawk” Ringley – ITEL PT – 9.26.19
December 01, 2019

The passing of Mike “Nitehawk” Ringley (1964-2019) served as an opener as we reminisced about the true friend that Mike was to Inside the Eye – Live! and the audience that comes to hear the show week in and week out.  As Inside the Eye &

Trump’s “Iranian Sanctions” – ITEL – 9.21.19
November 30, 2019

Americans are blissfully unaware as to the repulsive nature of the Talmudic foreign policy being invoked on the world in the name of the United States.  In many a way you could call America’s foreign policy a “Kol Nidre Catastrophe”. In