Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Latest Episodes

Pay up! Trump’s Protection Racket – 11.16.19
February 29, 2020

President Trump is very, very good at traversing the world and raising funds for the America’s defense industry.  The most notable, perhaps, was the deal announced after Trump’s Saudi Arabia visit in which Trump trotted out a US$110 billion sa

American Intel Agencies – Failing America – 11.14.19
February 29, 2020

The ongoing “impeachment” of President Trump reveals a couple major issues in American politics: a) the impeachment hearings reveal that Jews benefit through the creation of drama that increases television ratings and, b) America’s intel

Seditious Politicians – ITEL – 11.9.19
January 12, 2020

Let’s be perfectly clear: America has more than just a “Jew problem”.  The United States has a problem with seditious politicians.  From “gun grabbing” to “speech stifling”, politicians in the United States are mo

Simon Lindberg – Leader, Nordic Resistance Movement – ITEL 11.9.19
January 11, 2020

Simon Lindberg, leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement, joined Inside the Eye – Live! for a special 1 hour segment on November 9, 2019.  This is the second time representatives from this organization have appeared on Inside the Eye – Live! a

It’s Okay to be White – ITEL PT – 11.7.19
January 11, 2020

As we observe modern social norms and conventions within Jewish and Western cultures, it is becoming harder and harder to deny a very chilling reality: Jewish evolutionary strategy embraces evil as a part of its evolutionary strategy.  How can a culture,

It’s Not Okay to be White? – ITEL – 11.2.19
January 11, 2020

The mischievous minds over at 4-chan have been running a 3 some odd year campaign called “It’s Okay to be White”.  Give them credit.  It is an ingeniously simple and to the point meme highlighting in inverse the very real and vicious hat

Halloween 2019 – Occulted Halloween – ITEL PT – 10.31.19
January 08, 2020

A few asides about historical Halloween was followed with an interesting insight into what Jews maintain are “the most offensive Halloween costumes”.  That Jews whine and complain about Halloween costumes, when they themselves get to dress up

Diversity – Destroying America – ITEL – 10.26.19
January 08, 2020

The recent fires in California highlight the tsunami of incompetence and mediocrity about to sweep over the United States as “diversity” takes root in major corporate boardrooms and hiring departments.  A good case study is the largest utility

Observations from Italy – ITEL PT – 10.24.19
January 08, 2020

The Fetch returned after a week in Italy with some observations on Italy and the ongoing “multicultural agenda” of Jews against the West.  From personal observations, it was clear that the ongoing invasion of Italy was evident, but not necessa

“Blackbird9” and “Woody” Guest Host – ITEL – 10.19.19
January 08, 2020

Frederick C. Blackburn, aka “Blackbird9” and Woody guest hosted in what proved to be an exceptional “tag team” combination as Fetch was away for business in Europe.  Beginning with some interesting “personal interest stories&