Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Latest Episodes

Delivering America into the Hands of Evil – ITEL PT – 12.19.19
March 15, 2020

Trump’s signing of an Executive Order outlawing criticism of Jews on America’s college campuses is, in all practical matters, a massive power grab by Jews as they continue their efforts to stifle any and all dissent to their totalitarian agend

Guest Host – Frederick C. Blackburn – 12.14.19
March 15, 2020

Frederick C. Blackburn guest hosted Inside the Eye – Live! on Saturday, December 14, 2019.  Topics of discussion included the ongoing population replacement of N. Carolina, commentary on the “Hidden Hand”, and the expanding expression of

Fabian Fjalling – Observations from China – Fabian Fjalling, 12.12.19
March 15, 2020

Fabian Fjälling, former Swedish media activist, joined from China.  Observations on Chinese relations between the people and the Chinese government and disparaties in how the Swedish government interacts with Swedish citizens hints a much stronger nationa

The Jew Coup in Washington – 12-7-19
March 15, 2020

Back in the distant days, December 7 was always sold as a “Day that will live in infamy”, a reminder to all the gullible that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and ushered in the entry of the United States into the Second World War.  Never mi

Suing Big Media – ITEL PT – 12.5.19
March 07, 2020

On a week where the ITEL family lost yet another good friend and supporter, the ongoing assault by Jewish media against the American people, and efforts by Americans to push back, played a prominent spotlight role.  The funny thing about this latest push

Social Media Groups – Honey Traps? – 11.30.19
March 07, 2020

On a week that saw the passing of Texe Marrs, we discussed the little know reality that various social media “groups” can and often are themselves either run or infiltrated to the point of posing dangers to community members who frequent such

Fetch on Friday’s #12 – The Hutschnecker Report
March 06, 2020

Jewish society is, essentially, insane.  In this, the 12th episode of “Fetch on Friday’s with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock”, The Fetch and Andy discussed the Hufschnecker Report wherein it was essentially recognized that Jews are a mental

American Elites: Intellectual Bankruptcy – 11.28.19
March 01, 2020

On an American Thanksgiving holiday, lots of Thanksgiving reminiscing, from meals to activities, morphed into an observation of Internet monitoring and censorship and the bankruptcy of American elites.  No matter how you look at it, America’s curren

Rick Wiles – The Jew Coup – 11.23.19
February 29, 2020

ITEL for 11.23.19 started out with some fun stories from Fetch’s recent trip to Paris and the MILIPOL Paris Show.  Hour 2 was followed by commentary on Pastor Rick Wiles video regarding how the impeachment efforts of President Trump is really a &#82

Fetch from Paris – ITEL PT – 11.21.19
February 29, 2020

“I’m a believer!”  Really!  Amazing!  The Fetch broadcast from outside of France’s Charles de Gaulle airport as he visited the MILIPOL Paris Show.  Amazing what a trip to France can do for you!  “I’m a believer!”