Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Latest Episodes

Jan Lamprecht – ITEL PT – 1.11.20
March 22, 2020

Jan Lamprecht, without a doubt my favorite and most trusted source of information coming out of S. Africa, started off the guest list for 2020 with, well, updates on the latest shenanigans ongoing in S. Africa.  As we all know, the entity that “was&

Fallout Shelters – Iran’s Message – ITEL PT – 1.9.20
March 22, 2020

The fallout from Trump’s servility to Israel through his ordering of the assassination of IRGC Commander Gen. Soleimani continued as Americans continued to evacuate from exposed areas of Iraq, operations against “ISIS” were halted circle

Trump’s Extrajewdicial Power Play – ITEL – 1.4.20
March 22, 2020

2020 has barely even been able to get going and Trump and his Neocon Bolshevists are taking a play out of the Israeli-Netanyahu playbook and instigated an operation that saw the General Soleimani of the Iranian Revolution Guards Corp, the real architect o

Fetch on Friday’s – 2020 Vision – 1.3.20
March 22, 2020

In the theme of the year 2020, this episode Fetch on Fridays was named “2020 Vision”.  In this episode, we covered developing internal stories regarding Inside the Eye – Live!, the reality that most broadcasters within the “ITEL/AC

2020 – Bringing Clarity to Jewish Politics – ITEL PT – 1.2.20
March 22, 2020

Welcome to 2020 where most of us are well advanced with life experience, and to this day, so many of us acquiesce into meek silence everytime Jews throw out their slurs like “anti-Semite” or “Nazi”. Let’s be honest.  We see t

Tom Goodrich – ITEL – 12.28.19
March 21, 2020

Tom Goodrich closed out the year for 2019.  Discussions on Hellstorm, the audio book, the need to reduce expenses so that you can remain strong and independent, eliminate addictions, and simply enjoy life. Tom steered the subject to the Middle East as the

Astrotheology – ITEL PT – 12.26.19
March 20, 2020

A major winter storm cut California’s land transportation routes between Northern and Southern California.  Rain hit the lowlands of Southern California while snow fell across all major roads that link Southern California to the northern portions of

Graham Hart – “All Rights Reserved” – 12.26.19
March 20, 2020

Graham Hart joined for a post Christmas show.  As always, a show blended with some cheer and humor, but surprisingly (for a Graham and Fetch show), a rather informative show.  Graham discussed his idea of “All Rights Reserved” and how this may

ITEL’s Winter Solstice Show – 12.21.19
March 20, 2020

Inside the Eye – Live’s 2019 Winter Solstice Show was largely driven by “external content” as pernicious caller “Rabbi Rick”, aka Chewbaca from the Liberty Forum days, was granted an extended period of air time to air h

Joe Atwill – ITEL – 12.21.19
March 20, 2020

Joe Atwill, a consistent sidekick and collaborator to Timothy Kelly’s “Our Interesting Times with Timothy Kelly”, joined Inside the Eye – Live! for an extended guest appearance and in what became somewhat of a contemptuous appearan