Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Latest Episodes

Preference Primaries – ITEL PT – 2.20.20
March 26, 2020

“Preference primaries”, the novel idea that all rights to government should innure to the wishes of elites who can “decide what is best for the people” with the people “informing elites of their wishes” and elites then

Transdimensional Evil – ITEL – 2.15.20
March 26, 2020

Winter Storm Dennis rolled into Cornwall (and the pretty much the rest of England) as one of the largest storms to ever hit the British Isles.  It was all good according to the surfing gurus out and about who found the 20′ some odd swells hitting Co

China Grinds to a Halt – ITEL PT – 2.13.20
March 25, 2020

The developing COVID-19, a SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) catastrophe in China has all but brought China to a stand still.  Total lockdowns of millions of Chinese, central authority dictates that prevent virtually the entire country from returni

Cracks in the Biometric Control System – ITEL – 2.8.20
March 25, 2020

What is it about this hyper-minority of people that believe that following the movements of every human on Earth is a noble and just path to be following?  The 42 Laws of Ma’at, or more accurately, the 42 Negative Confessions, the oldest moral syste

The Corona Virus: Engineering Havoc – ITEL PT – 2.6.20
March 25, 2020

When it comes to Jews, their press, and their political power, we can be assured of one thing: any major crisis is enabled through information suppression.  Deny people critical information to properly analyze and react to a particular set of “data

Invading Foreign Students – ITEL – 2.1.20
March 25, 2020

We began the show with a classic example of Jewish racial bigotry and hypocrisy.  Emma Tessler, co-founder of the online dating website “Dating Ring”, was heard on ABC news ranting about how “White people” want to date with people

BREXIT – Globalism vs Populism – ITEL PT – 1.30.20
March 24, 2020

Insights from the 2020 SHOT Show (Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show), the largest of its kind in the world, was highlighted as The Fetch returned from Las Vegas after attending the show.  Needless to say, the idea of “the Second Amendment&#82

Frederick C. Blackburn Guest Hosts – ITEL – 1.18.20
March 24, 2020

With a “getaway weekend” in the works, Frederick C. Blackburn, host of Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club, guest hosted Inside the Eye – Live!  Frederick began the discussion with a lengthy explanation of Jewish “star chamber justic

America’s Mafia Foreign Policy – ITEL PT – 1.16.20
March 23, 2020

Final show from the Philippines for some time as we got to witness plumes from the Taal volcanic eruption that occurred Monday.  It was a quite a scene as you could see the ash plume rising up from the southwest of my location.  Combine that with experien

Cult of Diversity Grounds Boeing – ITEL – 1.11.20
March 22, 2020

There is a fine balance between “confidence” and “arrogance”.  The first allows you to run headlong into a situation  with a clear, focused head while being prepared to handle whatever curveballs might be thrown your way.  The latt