Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Latest Episodes

Lark in Texas, Communitarianism – 4.11.20
April 11, 2020

Lark in Texas, a researcher and expert on “Communitarianism”, joined Inside the Eye – Live! to discuss, well, Communitarianism.  Lark took us back into the deeper part of history regarding Communitarianism and brought us up the current &

Covid19 – The Medical Tyranny State – ITEL PT 4.9.20
April 10, 2020

The COVID19 Plandemic, the Fauci Flu, is showing us the absolute dangers of handing our nation over to “doctors”.  Using flawed data, willful misrepresentations, over egregious media fear mongering, among so many underhanded tricks to spread f

Citizen Journalists Exposing Media Fraud – ITEL – 4.4.20
April 06, 2020

We have all heard the cries from politicans and media talking heads, “Oh my gawd!  We are being over-run by corona virus patients.  The sky is falling!  We CAN’T HANDLE THE FLOOD OF VICTIMS! “NO-O-O-O-O!” (CUT TO SILENCE) It is tim

“Hans” – er “Dr. Hans” – ITEL – 4.4.20
April 06, 2020

Hans, er, Dr. Hans, guest appeared on Inside the Eye – Live! on Saturday, April 4, 2020.  An interesting thing about Hans.  I met Hans in Riyadh while he was working a show during last fall’s Riyadh Seasons.  Hans is quite an accomplished musi

Shali Lama and Greg from NJ – 4.4.20
April 06, 2020

The Shali Lama, former host of The Cold Reality News and Report from the former Oracle Broadcasting days, and Greg from NJ, a long time call-in contributor to the Oracle Broadcasting Network, joined Inside the Eye – Live! to discuss the ongoing econ

The War on the World – ITEL PT – 4.2.20
April 03, 2020

It is hard to imagine that all this carnage coming from the “corona virus” has been brought about by a “cross over” from some bat in China to the human population and then from some province in the middle of China, makes its way ac

Zezorro – ITEL PT – 4.2.20
April 03, 2020

Our long time friend and Eastern Europe media analyst, Zezorro, connected from Warsaw, Poland to discuss the latest global economic and psychological war currently underway under the release of the purported “COVID19” “virus”.  As

Globalists Quotes Reveal Desire to Spread COVID19 – 3.28.20
March 29, 2020

A whirlwind show covering topics from Hubei, to Pompeo calling the government reaction to the COVID-19 virus being a “live exercise”.  The looming deadline of April 1 for the Turks to reign in their terrorists before Russia declares all bets o

America in Retreat – ITEL PT – 3.26.20
March 29, 2020

Updates from Saudi Arabia as officials place Riyadh, Mecca, and Medina under 3 pm – 6 pm curfews.  The situation is creating massive social congregating as more and more people are packed into fewer and fewer venues within which to conduct daily bus

COVID19 – A Weaponized Virus? ITEL – 3.21.20
March 29, 2020

No matter how you break it down, the COVID19 corona virus is weaponized, if not bio-engineered, then as a manipulated crisis intended to shut down the global economy and impress upon the people just how powerless they are when confronted with the full mig