Inside Legion

Inside Legion

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Inside Legion: “Chapter 19”
June 12, 2018

Its Season 2 finale time, and our Legion podcast is here to break down all the insanity on Chapter 19 and massive heartbreak. SUBSCRIBE ON RSS, APPLE, ANDROID, SPOTIFY, OR THE APP OF YOUR CHOICE.

Subscribe To Our Cloak & Dagger Podcast!
June 11, 2018

We’ve got a new Cloak & Dagger podcast, “Cloak & Jabber”! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and more!

Inside Legion: “Chapter 18”
June 05, 2018

David goes a little mad and Syd gets a little sad as our Legion podcast recaps “Chapter 18”

Inside Legion: “Chapter 17”
May 29, 2018

Melanie gets high as a mother and Lenny learns a valuable lesson as our Legion podcast recaps Chapter 17.

Inside Legion: “Chapter 16”
May 22, 2018

The game is on for The Shadow King’s body, and David is holding all the pieces. Or is he? Our Legion podcast recaps “Chapter 16” as we look for answers…

Inside Legion: “Chapter 15”
May 15, 2018

David’s team faces their greatest fears, and a dangerous alliance is built as our Legion podcast recaps “Chapter 15”

Inside Legion: “Chapter 14”
May 08, 2018

An infinite number of Davids from an infinite number of dimensions lead to infinite heartbreak, as our Legion podcast recaps “Chapter 14”

Inside Legion: “Chapter 13”
May 01, 2018

Lenny returns, and a horrible secret is revealed as our Legion podcast recaps “Chapter 13”

Inside Legion: “Chapter 12”
April 24, 2018

David enters Syd’s maze and we finally get deeper into her life and motivations, as we recap “Chapter 12” of FX’s Legion. *Note* Apologies for the poor audio quality on Pete’s mic.

Inside Legion: “Chapter 11”
April 17, 2018

Enter the maze, as we recap Legion “Chapter 11”