The Informer

The Informer

Trans activists attacked by far-right mob in Bulgaria | Paediatric surgeon comments on proposed intersex surgery ban | The Informer – 11 Nov 2021

November 11, 2021

– The Victorian state government has proposed changes banning deferrable medical interventions on intersex children until they are able to consent. The changes have been welcomed after years of campaigning by intersex advocates who highlight the mental and physical damage that can be done by interventions. We speak with a paediatric surgeon about how the system currently operates.
– Recently in Bulgaria’s capital, Sophia, a far-right mob led by a presidential nominee attacked a queer community centre holding an event for trans people and issues. What happened in the attack and how more broadly, how is the situation for sexual and gender minorities in Bulgaria? We spoke with a community leader at the community centre when it was attacked to find out.