The Informer

The Informer

The Informer Podcast 8 October 2020

October 12, 2020

In this week’s podcast, we speak to Kate Eastman from The Royal Commission into violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation towards people with a disability, about the unfair treatment of disabled people.
Rising religious conservatism and right-wing populism have led to a third of Poland being declared “LGBT Free Zones.” The Informer reporter Gavin Height investigates what these LGBT Free Zones are and what do they mean for sexual and gender minorities in Poland.
The transgender community has been directly affected by COVID-19, because surgeries to transform them into their most authentic selves are placed on hold as other elective surgeries. The Informer reporter Beau Driscoll speaks to a member of the transgender community who has been affected, and discusses whether or not it is better to go private?