infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #18 Freddie Kemp

July 22, 2013


In episode number #18 of the infinite pie connection podcast, Alan Fawcett talks with Freddie Kemp of Solution Discovery.  Freddie focuses on helping people and organisations to decide on their strategy to move forward.  Through a series of questions and analysis he supports and influences people to make decisions and accept the power and responsibility to act.


If you want to get in touch with Freddie you can connect with him via email

Ok, as always all the details will be over at the website, so head over there and you will find links to this and all of our other conversations.

I have enjoyed speaking to the various guests and sharing their stories and I hope you are benefitting too.  Whilst each story is different and the guests come from different background, industries or professions, there is a common theme.  They have taken the time to think about what they want to do and be, and they have established what they need to know, understand and do in order to move towards it.  My story is the same.  I have been thinking about doing a podcast for a while, I had my "A-ha" moment, but it was quickly followed by the "ah yeah but" ones.  Who would listen, what would I talk about, what if no-one likes it, I don't know how to do it etc etc etc.  Well with a little bit of coaching on myself and some time and effort put into finding out what I need to know I was up and running.  Now, no matter what happens I can always say that i can create a podcast.  No-one can ever take that away from me.  You can be the same.  It doesn't have to be a podcast, it can be whatever you put your mind to.

Of course I am not just doing this for myself, I am hoping that by sharing these stories it will help you to learn how to listen to, and capture, your "aha" moments and then to establish what it will take to move on and take action.  If you need some help and support then get in touch.

Talking of support, I want to thank all of you who have headed over to iTunes and left a review and rating.  It means a lot to know that the podcast is making an impact and you are enjoying listening to these amazing stories.  It also helps us to get found and discovered by people who are new to the show and therefore hopefully benefiting more people.  So if you haven't already, please head on over and leave us a review.  Oh and don't forget to share this stuff amongst your friends, family, colleagues and anyone else that may benefit from taking a listen on their daily commute or whilst they walk the dog or where ever you find yourself listening to podcasts.

It is your support that is going to allow us to keep this podcast going and to talk to many more incredible and inspirational people.


So remember, get in touch, as we want to get to know the people behind the numbers and in the meantime, make sure you are creating connections that count.