infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #16 Russell Anderson-Williams

July 17, 2013


In episode number #16 of the infinite pie connection podcast I have a chat with Russell Anderson-Williams from The about combining his love for creativity and design with training and developing others.  Russell explains that there are some incredible tools out there, however the most important one is your mindset and understanding how to connect with your audience.


If you wish to connect with Russell you can get in touch via LinkedIn, email, twitter @theprezenter and the website the

Remember you can find details of this conversation and all the tools and resources we discussed over at the website infinite


So if want to get in touch, you can follow us there or subscribe over at iTunes or Stitcher radio so you never miss an episode.  Follow us at, twitter @infinitepie or me @al_fawcett .  You can email me directly using  I reply personally to my emails.  Make a comment, leave a rating, give us  some feedback or share your story.  Why not let us know who you would like us to connect with.  If you have a question get in touch and of course if you are looking for some coaching support, either personally or professionally, then we would be happy to help.  We would love to connect with you and get to know the people behind the numbers. In the meantime, make sure you are creating connections that count.