infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #15 Andrew Hatcher

July 14, 2013

In episode #15 of the infinite pie connection podcast I talk with Andrew Hatcher, the Managing Director of The Mapp ltd which is a company that develops visual planning tools for developing and sharing plans of all kinds.  Andrew was recommended as a connection from episode #2 Phil Walsh and shares how he has a history of identifying and managing innovation and creativity within corporate environments. Although you will see there is more to it than that.

Topics discussed -

  • The 3 halves to Andrews background (no that isn't a typo)
  • Engaging people with planning process using visual impact
  • Using the planning process to get things started with The Mapp
  • The science bit - how much of your process already exists
  • Interacting with the Mapp in a way that suits your individual learning style to support engagement
  • Implementing plans is not just a tick box exercise
  • The benefit of ensuring more involvement in the creation process to help support a clear link between planning and action
  • How collaboration and support networks can overcome obstacles
  • Democratising the process to reduce fear
  • Interacting with the plan on your terms to help understand the role that you are playing
  • It is important to know where you have been to demonstrate the progress you have made
  • Personal and professional application of The Mapp
  • Planning a repeatable process, workflow or project
  • Recommended tools and processes - post it notes for drawing and visual impact, the important/urgent framework for time planning, dropbox to access information wherever you are, Flipboard app and Wired magazine
  • Life balance by connecting with South American music (and South American wife) and its influences
  • Book recommendations - Ian Flemings and the Bond series
  • Andrew would love to connect to Nicholas Negroponte author of the book Being Digital and suggests I connect with Shailendra Vyakarnam of Cambridge University and James Lott of Working Knowledge.
  • Top tip - always open the door that you are afraid to open


To get in touch with Andrew Hatcher you can find him on LinkedIn and follow him on twitter @The_Mapp

Remember you can find details of this conversation and all the tools and resources we discussed over at the website infinite


So if want to get in touch, you can follow us there or subscribe over at iTunes or Stitcher radio so you never miss an episode.  Follow us at, twitter @infinitepie or me @al_fawcett .  You can email me directly using  I reply personally to my emails.  Make a comment, leave a rating, give us  some feedback or share your story.  Why not let us know who you would like us to connect with.  If you have a question get in touch and of course if you are looking for some coaching support, either personally or professionally, then we would be happy to help.  We would love to connect with you and get to know the people behind the numbers. In the meantime, make sure you are creating connections that count.