infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #12 Ezra Firestone

July 03, 2013

In episode #12 of the infinite pie connection podcast we have a conversation with Ezra Firestone of a successful entrepreneur and e-commerce specialist. Before you think that this will be another middle of the road sales, marketing or business story, sit back and listen to the upbringing that has influenced the way that Ezra looks at and creates his world.

Topics discussed

  • Growing up with a different outlook on life as part of a hippy commune
  • The impact and challenge of living with others
  • The research of on what it takes to live with others and having effective communication to develop community, using a descriptive not prescriptive approach.
  • The benefits of trying different things to find out what works for you
  • Measuring and defining success in more than just monetary terms, and how much is enough?
  • The real benefits of a face to face connection in this inter-connected world
  • Don't push rope!  Find your audience, and serve them.
  • The complimentary nature of Ezra and James Schramko on the Think Act Get Podcast
  • Keeping things fresh and working with what comes to mind
  • The pivotal period and relationship that caused the shift in perspective
  • Book recommendations - Rich Dad's CashFlow Quadrant and Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J Stanley
  • The focus on mindset rather just strategy and tactics as you need to get your mindset right first
  • Connection with the most powerful resource
  • Given the opportunity to connect with someone, Ezra would choose Abraham Lincoln to get a real sense of what he is about
  • Leadership styles in context
  • Ezra recommends that infinite pie connects with Eric Lancheres to share his story on the connection podcast
  • Top tip and actionable advice - Be Nice, Provide Attention and Approval (i.e. be present), Be Interested.

If you want to connect with Ezra Firestone then visit his website at and check out his videos and podcasts.

Remember you can find details of this conversation and all the tools and resources we discussed over at the website infinite


So if want to get in touch, you can follow us there or subscribe over at iTunes or Stitcher radio so you never miss an episode.  Follow us at, twitter @infinitepie or me @al_fawcett .  You can email me directly using  I reply personally to my emails.  Make a comment, leave a rating, give us  some feedback or share your story.  Why not let us know who you would like us to connect with.  If you have a question get in touch and of course if you are looking for some coaching support, either personally or professionally, then we would be happy to help.  We would love to connect with you and get to know the people behind the numbers. In the meantime, make sure you are creating connections that count.