infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #11 James Schramko

July 01, 2013

In episode #11 of the infinite pie connection podcast we talk with James Schramko of Superfast Business.  Following an incredibly successful career for both BMW and Mercedes within Australia, James set out on his own to dominate the online market space.  His businesses include providing website building, traffic generation and content creation services as well as an extremely popular forum, and coaching and mastermind groups.

Topics discussed

  • How your current situation is based on your previous choices
  • Benchmarking and using others as inspiration to set clear goals
  • Real learning comes from observing, applying and doing - and this happens as at all ages
  • Separating form the pack by modelling behaviours on success and successful people
  • How systems and processes help aid preparation and effectiveness - balancing the people and the process
  • Standing out rather than fitting in
  • The power of loyalty, integrity and passion
  • Empowerment, respect and leading by example gets you the best results
  • Multi streams rather than single source income reduced risk and create contingency
  • Build on your own platform first to ensure control
  • James goal is to ensure that he serves his customers uninterrupted (and has systems and processes to aid this)
  • Tools and resources - a stand up desk and a 24" screen to maximise effectiveness and productivity
  • Books recommended - The One Thing by Gary Keller
  • Top tip and actionable advice - Dump your thoughts on a notepad, score and prioritise and then focus on the one thing that matters right now.

To contact James head over to his website at Superfast business, where you will be able to get a full understanding of the training, products and services on offer.

Remember you can find details of this conversation and all the tools and resources we discussed over at the website infinite


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