infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #7 Aimee Bassett

June 17, 2013

In episode #7 of the infinite pie connection podcast we have a conversation with Aimee Bassett.  Aimee is both a music teacher and musician with The Coarse Envelope and shares the impact that intention and passion has in her teaching, her music and her life.

Topics discussed

  • Connecting with music from an early age
  • How music can create a community
  • How collaborating created quality time
  • Drawing on confidence and trust to push through the fear
  • How we all have something to contribute
  • How great teachers and coaches can bring the passion out and match commitment
  • Living life fully by being true and authentic and keeping life in balance
  • Books - CJ Sansom Shardlake series,
  • Would love to connect with Joni Mitchell and suggests we connect with John Simpson - Pieminister

You can get in touch with Aimee via The Coarse Envelope website or Facebook page.

All info and resources discussed can be found over at the infinite pie website.

So if want to get in touch, you can follow us and subscribe over at iTunes or check out Stitcher radio so you never miss an episode.  Follow us at, twitter @infinitepie or you can email me directly using   Make a comment, leave a rating, give us  some feedback or share your story.  We would love to connect with you and get to know the people behind the numbers. In the meantime, make sure you are creating connections that count.