infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #4 Thom Hunt

June 06, 2013

In episode #4 of the infinite pie connection podcast we will be chatting to Thom Hunt the owner of 7th Rise.  Thom discusses his journey so far and his vision for the future and why it is important to him.  Thom also outlines the processes and measures that he uses to ensure that he remains aligned and focused.

Topics discussed


  • The story of 7th Rise
  • A lifestyle project
  • Keeping rules to a minimum
  • A compelling reason to change
  • The context of time
  • Understanding the why before the how
  • External v internal thinking
  • Reverse engineering and choice
  • Advice and Top Tip

Recommended reading include Tim Ferris 4hr series, Anthony Robbins, Fly Fishing by J R Hartley and Salmon and Fly Fishing by Hugh Falkus



To get in touch with Thom you can visit the website, twitter @7th_Rise or @3HungryboysThom, like the Facebook page, email directly or you could even just walk right in.