infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast ep 01

May 30, 2013


Hi and welcome to the infinite pie connection podcast, I am Alan Fawcett and I just want to take a few minutes to give  you an idea of what to expect from this podcast.


You may be here because you want to understand and create connections that count, you may be here because you want to find ways to stop doing things on a day to day basis that are not helping you, or you may be here because you are related to me and you want to show support or feel obligated.  If it is the last one, then stop doing that, I don't want anyone to feel obligated to listen - well not past the first 20 or 30 episodes anyway.


Ok, so we all have great days and maybe some challenging days.  Some of that is down to the people we meet, or the tasks that we have to complete or the processes that we are expected to follow.  In fact sometimes our actual to do list itself can be the thing that makes or breaks our day.


This is the stuff that we are going to be talking to people about in future episodes.  We are going to be having conversations with real people, my connections, about what really gets them going - in both a good way and a bad way.  Whether it be a book or film that they feel everyone should know about or a project that they are working on the and the challenges that it brings.


Just today i had a friend point out that he has finally achieved inbox zero.  You know the time when you actually manage to get your email inbox down to no outstanding messages.  Now personally I think he is some kind of zen master and something that i aspire to achieving.  but you know what there are also a lot of people who couldn't care less if they have 2000 unread emails in their inbox.  So the plan is to speak to all of these people to either learn the tips and techniques of how to achieve these things or just as importantly, how to cope with it mentally if you don't do it.  Oh by the way, as soon as my friend pointed out his achievement, somebody sent him an email.


So why does this stuff really matter, well I think it is easy to focus on the numbers without context.  you know, how many Facebook likes we have or twitter followers or youtube views. These things are great and have merit but we can also lose sight of the the fact that behind each number is a person, a connection, but how connected to them are we?  The world is getting smaller and faster in relation to the ability to communicate with each other, and it is great that many of us are back in touch with people that we lost touch with years ago, but I think it is also easy to think that we are aware of what is going on with people just based n the Facebook updates.  If that was the case, i think a lot of my friends and family are heavy drinking, cat loving, people hating, children of the 70's and 80's who got by without technology and coped, who sort of miss the irony of the fact they are posting that on Facebook whilst using their smartphones or tablets.


Ok, so why don't you join me each week when i speak to one of my connections and get behind the status updates and tweets, and find out what really resonates with them and keeps getting them up in the morning.



Of course you can get involved in all of these conversations and connections by visiting or our Facebook page at, twitter us @infinitiepie or you can email me on